Investing in the Future

Sponsorships help keep our organization moving forward and making a difference.

Help us grow and become a crucial part of the Aggie Women mission as we propel the legacy of Texas A&M forward. Just choose the sponsorship level that’s right for you, your company or your department, fill out the form and help us support Aggie women all over the world.

Pearl: $500

Women's Leadership Reception Sponsor or Awards Luncheon Sponsor

Tickets to chosen event *see details below

Social Media exposure/posts

Company name/college/individual name in program

Ruby: $1500

Women's Leadership Reception, VIP Reception, or Awards Luncheon Sponsor

 Tickets to chosen event *see details below

Social Media Exposure/Posts

Recognition at the event

Company logo in the program & more!


Emerald: $3000

Women’s Leadership Reception Title Sponsor or Awards Luncheon Sponsor

 Tickets to chosen event *see details below

Social Media Exposure/Posts

Company banner backdrop for photo opportunities (company provides)

Company logo in the program


Diamond: $5000

Annual Awards Luncheon Premier Sponsor Exclusive

 (8) Awards Luncheon Tickets & (4) VIP Reception Tickets

Recognition in all print, online, social media and PowerPoint media

Opportunity to address the audience & provide goody bags, literature and/or door prizes

Company backdrop for photo opportunities (Company provides)

Company logo in program

 Website recognition


Note: Sponsorships are yearly and based on the original date of commitment.


For full descriptions of sponsor level benefits click here.